Went to the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC), which houses the National Library of Greece.
- Absolutely loved the SNFCC. We came there late am at around 11 which was too hot to explore the beautiful garden. But we could chill and observe it from the 8th floor open terrace. Great view, so relaxing. Really enjoyed the time.
- The lower level had the National Library and we spent some time there – Daniel playing chess, me reading, marat surfing the internet.
- We also saw the singing fountains at the SNFCC – entertaining.
- D started his soccer lessons as part of the Themistocles soccer team. Themistocles (born c. 524 bce—died c. 460) was an Athenian politician and naval strategist who was the creator of Athenian sea power and the chief savior of Greece from subjection to the Persian empire at the Battle of Salamis in 480 bce. The dude was a people’s leader, challenging the elite powers and opening the democracy to the commoners. His greatest legacy came through the military. In response to the threat of Persian invasion, Themistocles orchestrated the building of the first truly massive navy in Athenian history. (Source: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Themistocles.)
- Bought 5-day Athens Combined Pass for EUR 30 hhticket.gr to visit main ruins in Anthem. Gives you access to 7 sites over 5 days.
- HP: Saw signing fountains without timing it.
- LP: It was the first day of school in Athens, but it starts with blessing the kids and then they are free to go home. Which resulted in tons of kids with their parents everywhere, especially at the SNFCC. Some of the kids were unruly and wild.